Sunday, April 19, 2015

MS15-034 (http.sys)

There has been a lot written about this (quite nasty) vulnerability since the latest "Patch Tuesday". My understanding is that so far only DoS (a simple crash) has been reliably confirmed, although I've seen some reports that an RCE (remote code execution) exploit is being sold on black market for slightly over $100.
I can also see scanning requests in the wild. I think it's just a matter of a few days for us to start seeing a world wide spike in those probing requests. That spike will last for a couple of weeks (attackers going after the low hanging fruit). We have seen the same behaviour with CVE-2014-6271 (Bash Command Injection). This is all fine and kind of expected.

What I find surprising is that bugs of that calibre can actually be uncovered in 2015. I will explain what I mean:

First of all - this bug can be triggered by a request like this:

curl -v http(s)://hostname/ -H "Host: hostname" -H "Range: bytes=0-18446744073709551615" -k

So all we need to do is send an HTTP (or HTTPS - doesn't matter) request to a server with a specific Range header. What is so special about 18446744073709551615? It's 2^64-1. So MS15-034 is essentially an integer overflow bug.
HTTP is one of the most popular protocols. And a Range header has been added to the HTTP/1.1 version (which was around for quite some time now - RFC 2068 - January 1997). People have been fuzzing protocols (including obviously HTTP) for ages. In fact I will quote the "Fuzzing: Brute Force Vulnerability Discovery" book By Michael Sutton, Adam Greene, Pedram Amini

"Any and all request headers can and should be fuzzed" indeed. A value of 2^64-1 (or MAXINT-1 on some platforms) should be in the Top 10 of any integer fuzzer. Microsoft lists Windows 7 as affected meaning this vulnerability has been around for quite some time. This is why I am surprised - how come that this vulnerability has only been found now? It should've probably been even picked up by the internal QA team. And certainly with so many researchers running fuzzers (which kind of makes security research less exciting - topic for another blog post) how did we not find it earlier?! And more importantly - how many other bugs of this calibre are still out there?
Gentlemen, start your fuzzers!

Using a WAF to block MS15-034 attack pattern is a great (and simple) way to protect your environment while systems administrators continue their assessment and rollout of the patch to all servers. Many major vendors (Incapsula, Cloudflare, ModSecurity, Akamai etc) have already created custom rules for their customers.
I've seen some people suggesting a WAF rule to block requests that match on "0-18446744073709551615" when examining the Range header. Be careful - "0" was used for harmless probing requests. The actual DoS requests contain a non-zero value (I've seen 18 and 20 so far). So it would be better to match and block requests that match a broader pattern: [\d]+-18446744073709551615

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